Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Real Estate Course: Day Sixteen of 30 Day Action Plan

Day 16
  1. Marketing in your farm area
  2. Research properties
  3. Make offers

Day Sixteen: No Private money! Take a break from talking to people. But if the opportunity presents itself, then do not hesitate.

Today is the day to increase your marketing effort. Marketing is the lifeblood of your business and you cannot stop it. You can adjust the size of it but never stop it, since it takes such a long time to get the momentum going. You start a marketing campaign it takes time for people to notice it and respond. Once they do respond you do not want to shut it off, because you will have to start again and it is about momentum. You are already doing direct marketing to homeowners, now you want to extend that reach. Bandit signs are the little 18 x24 signs you see on the side of the road that say “WE BUY HOUSES” with a phone number. You see them everywhere because they work. So today check into ordering 100 plus signs and arrange for someone (not yourself) to place them. Unless you think your time is better spent putting up the signs instead of talking to sellers. You can advertise for someone to place the signs on craigslist. Also check with your local government to see if they have any sign ordinances against putting up the signs. You can also buy a bench sign. It is simpler to do but can cost more ($100/mo). It is also stationary to one location, so pick a location careful. You are building your name in the community. There are many other ways to advertise. Brainstorm more ideas and keep your eyes open to what attracts your eye and why.

You should be constantly looking at and researching properties. Talk to your network, look on craigslist and drive your farm area.

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